Friday, February 01, 2008

That obvious, eh?

I finally remembered that I have been wanting to renew my passport for a year now, and I had some time available today. I knew that you could do it at post offices, and there was a sign in the Massillon one that said that the Winesburg office does them too. I figured the Winesburg office would be quicker and easier, plus it is a beautiful (and equidistant to Massillon) drive. Since the entire county population where Winesburg is (Holmes County) is about the same as the City of Massillon, I knew it would be less busy.

I drove into town, but somehow missed the post office. So I pulled into a bank and started to go in. An older woman was coming out.

"Pardon me, are you from around here?" I asked.

"Yes I am."

"May I ask where the post office is?"

She sized me up, and then said, "You aren't getting a passport, are you?"

My surprise must have been plastered all over my face as I responded, "Uh, um, yes, I am."

"I thought so. WKSU and all. I'm heading there right now. Follow me."

It took me a moment to remember that I had my WKSU jacket on. Did I stick out that much? Does she associate public radio listeners as world travelers? Did my corduroy pants and button-up shirt underneath a green WKSU jacket betray a comopolitan air? Was it that obvious?

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