I live in Ohio for many reasons... seasons, snow, green grass, awesome people, small towns, rich history... and (so I thought) few natural disasters. Sure, there are periodic floodings, and a rare blizzard. But nothing like California's fires and earthquakes, or Oklahoma's "Tornado Alley," or the South's hurricanes. Usually.
Sunday evening, Hurricane Ike roared across Ohio, trekking rapidly to Canada. That was Sunday, about 6 p.m. when I lost power (in the middle of doing laundry). Well, as of this morning, I was one of the 1.4 million Ohioans still without power. Reportedly, it won't be until Friday or Saturday until I get power.
What a crazy experience. Here's my routine now. Stay out in the "powered" world until 8 or 9pm. Go home, and put on my LED head-band flash light, find clothes for the next day, pack my gym bag, brush my teeth utilizing a bottle of water (since I have a well, no power means no water), and going to bed, using my phone as an alarm clock. Then, I get up in the dark, get some old clothes on, and go to the YMCA where I shower, then head to work. I have to charge my phone in the car. There is so much not getting done!
I have always had sympathy for Iraqis who only had 2 hours of power a day in the heat of the summer. Now, I have empathy. I can't wash my dishes or clothes, much less my body and teeth! And while being male allows me to water the flowers off the deck when I need to, I have been in more public bathrooms than I can to consider.
Thankfully, the weather has been great! Highs in the upper 60s and low 70s, sunny, dry, and evenings in the upper 40s and low 50s. Nice sleeping weather with all the windows open!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Nothing New Under The Sun...
I continue to be amazed at the insight and wisdom of the author of Ecclisiastes when he observed that there is nothing new under the sun. This time, the surprise was not a pleasant one.
One of the thrusts of the postmodern world is a growing awareness and desire for community, as well as questioning of the individualistic capitalism that drives the globalization of the world’s economies. Surprisingly, this is not new. Defenders of slavery in the antebellum South did, according to Mark Noll’s book “The Civil War as a Theological Crisis,” in fact, “raise serious questions from Scripture about the moral order of an individualistic and profit-mad economy which they saw as the North’s aggressive alternative to a slave order. In Eugene Genovese’s words, the threat was of ‘a materialistic, marketplace society that promoted competitive individualism and worshiped Mammon’… In that postbellum climate, Southern Christian defenses of patriarchal communalism were fatally compromised by their association with slavery…” (pp 52-53).
Interesting twist on my desires for communalism and less materialism. A tainted desire? I don’t think so. But as Noll points out, war fatigue cut short the theological debates about economic systems which should have been natural at the time of the Civil War. “The result was theological weakness in the face of pressing economic circumstances: while there was a heightened capacity to produce wealth, there was also a heightened capacity to produce alienation and vast economic inequality. These issues were eventually addressed practically by pietists like the Salvation Army and theoretically by leaders of the Social Gospel, yet theological incoherence in the face of modern economic realities has remained a major problem for Christian thinking ever since the Civil War” (pp 53-54).
That sounds like a resounding call to the emerging theologians to continue tackling a growing interest of mine, the theology of economics. May thoughtful Christians everywhere rise up to this challenge.
One of the thrusts of the postmodern world is a growing awareness and desire for community, as well as questioning of the individualistic capitalism that drives the globalization of the world’s economies. Surprisingly, this is not new. Defenders of slavery in the antebellum South did, according to Mark Noll’s book “The Civil War as a Theological Crisis,” in fact, “raise serious questions from Scripture about the moral order of an individualistic and profit-mad economy which they saw as the North’s aggressive alternative to a slave order. In Eugene Genovese’s words, the threat was of ‘a materialistic, marketplace society that promoted competitive individualism and worshiped Mammon’… In that postbellum climate, Southern Christian defenses of patriarchal communalism were fatally compromised by their association with slavery…” (pp 52-53).
Interesting twist on my desires for communalism and less materialism. A tainted desire? I don’t think so. But as Noll points out, war fatigue cut short the theological debates about economic systems which should have been natural at the time of the Civil War. “The result was theological weakness in the face of pressing economic circumstances: while there was a heightened capacity to produce wealth, there was also a heightened capacity to produce alienation and vast economic inequality. These issues were eventually addressed practically by pietists like the Salvation Army and theoretically by leaders of the Social Gospel, yet theological incoherence in the face of modern economic realities has remained a major problem for Christian thinking ever since the Civil War” (pp 53-54).
That sounds like a resounding call to the emerging theologians to continue tackling a growing interest of mine, the theology of economics. May thoughtful Christians everywhere rise up to this challenge.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
My Change of Jobs
In the summer of 2007, I was approached by individuals from the hospital where I had done my residency. The main faculty that supervised and ran the Family Practice Residency were having some changes in their situation, and were going to be unable to maintain that relationship. My former program director knew that I had an interest in medical education, and so convinced the hospital to recruit me to maintain the program.
I was not unhappy at my job at the Arrowhead Clinic. In fact, I loved it, and to this day think it is one of the best places to work as a Family Physician. But opportunities to enter medical education, especially after only two years of practice, and even more as an assistant program director, come by very rarely, and it was an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up.
The negotiations resulted in significant sacrifices on both sides, but at the time, the financial sacrifices seemed worth it to me to get my foot in the door of medical education. Unfortunately, the specifics of the contract, the promises and visions of the original discussions, and the realities of the hospital and practice situation on the ground never quite aligned.
The hospital is going through another consolidation, and although I firmly feel that the hospital is now firmly on the path of stability and growth, the uncertainty, combined with a general decreased interest in Family Practice and questions over faculty staffing, resulted in there being no new residents.
In September of 2007, I became the sole attending physician of the residency clinic, thus providing temporary stability to allow the current residents to complete the year. At the end of June, the senior resident graduated, and the second year resident decided to complete her last year under the supervision of the original faculty that she had signed on with in their private practice. Thus, right now I am the only physician seeing patients at the residency clinic. Occasionally there are students or first year surgical residents, but no family practice residents. Not exactly what I left a great practice in Newcomerstown for.
The intensity of a clinic population, that is very heavy laden with complex internal medicine patients, non-compliance, and economic barriers to the care I have been trained to offer, is taking its toll on me. Ideally, I would like to have my own private practice part time, and rotate with other teaching faculty into the teaching clinic. I think the stability of the hospital combined with a diverse and committed teaching faculty would allow the hospital to successfully recruit new residents.
The practice has a new Practice Manager, and the consolidation will be completed early this month. The administration is working on making the necessary investments, recruitment, and changes necessary to successfully rebuild the residency program. I remain hopeful that my move to my current job will bring forth great fruit.
I was not unhappy at my job at the Arrowhead Clinic. In fact, I loved it, and to this day think it is one of the best places to work as a Family Physician. But opportunities to enter medical education, especially after only two years of practice, and even more as an assistant program director, come by very rarely, and it was an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up.
The negotiations resulted in significant sacrifices on both sides, but at the time, the financial sacrifices seemed worth it to me to get my foot in the door of medical education. Unfortunately, the specifics of the contract, the promises and visions of the original discussions, and the realities of the hospital and practice situation on the ground never quite aligned.
The hospital is going through another consolidation, and although I firmly feel that the hospital is now firmly on the path of stability and growth, the uncertainty, combined with a general decreased interest in Family Practice and questions over faculty staffing, resulted in there being no new residents.
In September of 2007, I became the sole attending physician of the residency clinic, thus providing temporary stability to allow the current residents to complete the year. At the end of June, the senior resident graduated, and the second year resident decided to complete her last year under the supervision of the original faculty that she had signed on with in their private practice. Thus, right now I am the only physician seeing patients at the residency clinic. Occasionally there are students or first year surgical residents, but no family practice residents. Not exactly what I left a great practice in Newcomerstown for.
The intensity of a clinic population, that is very heavy laden with complex internal medicine patients, non-compliance, and economic barriers to the care I have been trained to offer, is taking its toll on me. Ideally, I would like to have my own private practice part time, and rotate with other teaching faculty into the teaching clinic. I think the stability of the hospital combined with a diverse and committed teaching faculty would allow the hospital to successfully recruit new residents.
The practice has a new Practice Manager, and the consolidation will be completed early this month. The administration is working on making the necessary investments, recruitment, and changes necessary to successfully rebuild the residency program. I remain hopeful that my move to my current job will bring forth great fruit.
Double Take (an apologetically lengthy blog entry with lots of quotes)
I have been reading a fascinating book recently. It has really challenged my way of thinking about a lot of things, especially about how I form my views of things, especially homosexuality (not necessarily the conclusions, but how I form my views). For example, read the following passages:
These passages fairly clearly lay out two distinct views of homosexuality. One is based on the Protestant and American principles of the primacy and accuracy of the Scripture and of reading Scripture individually and determining the meaning, while the other view is based more on the scope, or arc, of the Bible and the primary principles of mercy and justice. Which side are you on? Which side resonates with you, and which raises your hackles as a shiver runs down your spine? To be honest, I get a shiver of hesitation when I think about arguing not from specific passages but from the “big picture” when so many specific passages address the issue. In other words, I tend to resonate with the structural arguments against homosexuality presented here.
One problem, though. The above arguments were not made regarding homosexuality. They are only slightly modified quotes from Mark Noll’s book “The Civil War as a Theological Crisis.” The arguments against homosexuality are constructed the same way that the arguments for slavery were constructed, while the proponents of the acceptance of homosexuality appeal in the same general way as the anti-slavery leaders of the 1800s, such as William Wilberforce.
Read the passages again, only this time unaltered:
What!? Double take. You mean the same way I look to the simplicity of the Bible on the issue of homosexuality is the same way many defended slavery? And the way people advocate for acceptance of homosexuality is the same way people advocated for emancipation and human equality?
Obviously, this is an oversimplification of the issue. I encourage people to read Noll’s book not only for the insight in brings on the Civil War, but the intriguing light he shines on American theological development.
I’m not entirely comfortable with the idea of glossing over specific passages on homosexuality to fit some grand understanding of love and mercy and justice. And I’m certainly not comfortable with espousing a view that legitimates slavery in an effort to “plainly read” specific passages from the bible.
And before anyone says it, I know that the two issues are different (one is a sanction and one is a prohibition), and the issues are more thoroughly debatable on both sides. My goal is not to defend slavery or promote acceptance of homosexuality. Since it is not my purpose, I’m not even going to take a side. My motivation in sharing these quotes is to challenge us to realize how we form our beliefs and how we organize our arguments are just as important as what we believe and what we argue. We must be willing to look at not just our individual beliefs, but also our underlying cultural influences (as Noll points out repeatedly regarding the influence of American republican and democratic ideals on theological interpretations) that led us to those beliefs.
Americans who believed in the Scriptures as unquestioned divine revelation should have been troubled by the growing number of their fellow citizens who seemed willing to live without that belief. The most prominent among those coming to doubt the all-sufficiency of Scripture were savants…, elite literati…, and practitioners of realpolitik… who were turning aside from all a priori authorities, including the Bible. Instead, they were looking to scientific, legal, literary, business, or governmental substitutes to provide the necessary ballast required by what they hailed as an increasingly secular, consumer-oriented, and religiously pluralistic society.
With increasing frequency as the national debate heated up, biblical defenders against homosexuality were ever more likely to perceive doubt about the biblical defense against homosexuality as doubt about the authority of the Bible itself. In the words of Henry Van Dyke… from his pulpit in Brooklyn, “Open and Affirming leads, in a multitude of cases, and by a logical process, to utter infidelity… One of its avowed principles is, that it does not try homosexuality by the Bible; but… it tries the Bible by the principles of love…”
The power of the anti-homosexual scriptural position – especially in a Protestant world of widespread intuitive belief in the plenary inspiration of the whole Bible- lay in its simplicity… Thompson’s message was straightforward: if God through divine revelation so clearly condemned homosexuality… how could genuine Christians attack modern stances against homosexuality as an evil?
It was no coincidence that the biblical stance against homosexuality remained strongest in the United States, a place where democratic, antitraditional, and individualistic religion was also strongest… it was an axiom of American public thought that free people should read, think, and reason for themselves. When such a populace, committed to republican and democratic principles, was also a Bible-reading populace, the anti-homosexual biblical case never lacked persuasive resources… Protestants well schooled in reading the Scriptures for themselves also knew of many other relevant texts…
In Britain, with Bible-believing evangelicals in the lead, scruples supporting a scriptural defense against homosexuality were largely overcome… More generally, Western attachment to ideas of basic human rights, which ironically had been greatly stimulated by… the United States of America, made it increasingly difficult to imagine how prejudice against homosexuals could exist in a modern civilized polity… Christian humanitarianism was trumping biblical traditionalism.
The primary reason that the biblical defense against homosexuality remained so strong was that many biblical defenses for homosexuality were so weak. To oversimplify a complicated picture, the most direct biblical defense of homosexuality were ones that relied on common sense, the broadly accepted moral intuitions of American national ideology, and the weight of “self-evident truth…” More complicated, nuanced, and involved biblical defenses of homosexuality offered more formidable opposition. But because those arguments did not feature intuition, republican instinct, and common sense readings of individual texts, they were much less effective in a public arena that had been so strongly shaped by intuitive, republican, and commonsensical intellectual principles.
Although this debate is worth studying for many reasons, it is pertinent here for how Blanchard advanced the most popular form of the biblical homosexuality argument… Blanchard returned repeatedly to “the broad principle of common equity and common sense” that he found in Scripture, to “the general principles of the Bible” and “the whole scope of the Bible,” where to him it was obvious that “ the principles of the Bible are justice and righteousness.”
These passages fairly clearly lay out two distinct views of homosexuality. One is based on the Protestant and American principles of the primacy and accuracy of the Scripture and of reading Scripture individually and determining the meaning, while the other view is based more on the scope, or arc, of the Bible and the primary principles of mercy and justice. Which side are you on? Which side resonates with you, and which raises your hackles as a shiver runs down your spine? To be honest, I get a shiver of hesitation when I think about arguing not from specific passages but from the “big picture” when so many specific passages address the issue. In other words, I tend to resonate with the structural arguments against homosexuality presented here.
One problem, though. The above arguments were not made regarding homosexuality. They are only slightly modified quotes from Mark Noll’s book “The Civil War as a Theological Crisis.” The arguments against homosexuality are constructed the same way that the arguments for slavery were constructed, while the proponents of the acceptance of homosexuality appeal in the same general way as the anti-slavery leaders of the 1800s, such as William Wilberforce.
Read the passages again, only this time unaltered:
By 1860 Americans who believed in the Scriptures as unquestioned divine revelation should have been troubled by the growing number of their fellow citizens who seemed willing to live without that belief. The most prominent among those coming to doubt the all-sufficiency of Scripture were savants like Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., elite literati like William Dean Howells, and practitioners of realpolitik like William Henry Trescot, who were turning aside from all a priori authorities, including the Bible. Instead, they were looking to scientific, legal, literary, business, or governmental substitutes to provide the necessary ballast required by what they hailed as an increasingly secular, consumer-oriented, and religiously pluralistic society. (p 31)
With increasing frequency as the sectional conflict heated up, biblical defenders of slavery were ever more likely to perceive doubt about the biblical defense of slavery as doubt about the authority of the Bible itself. In the words of Henry Van Dyke… from his pulpit in Brooklyn, “Abolitionism leads, in a multitude of cases, and by a logical process, to utter infidelity… One of its avowed principles is, that it does not try slavery by the Bible; but… it tries the Bible by the principles of freedom…” (p 32)
The power of the proslavery scriptural position – especially in a Protestant world of widespread intuitive belief in the plenary inspiration of the whole Bible- lay in its simplicity… Thompson’s message was straightforward: if God through divine revelation so clearly sanctioned slavery, and even the trade in “strangers,” how could genuine Christians attack modern slavery, or even the slave trade, as an evil? (p 33)
It was no coincidence that the biblical defense of slavery remained strongest in the United States, a place where democratic, antitraditional, and individualistic religion was also strongest. By the nineteenth century, it was an axiom of American public thought that free people should read, think, and reason for themselves. When such a populace, committed to republican and democratic principles, was also a Bible-reading populace, the proslavery biblical case never lacked persuasive resources… Protestants well schooled in reading the Scriptures for themselves also knew of many other relevant texts… (p 34)
Between… the early 1770s and the intensification of American debate over slavery six decades later, circumstances in the North Atlantic world shifted significantly. In Britain, with Bible-believing evangelicals in the lead, scruples supporting a scriptural defense of slavery were largely overcome as the Parliament first outlawed the slave trade… then banned slavery in all British territories… More generally, Western attachment to ideas of basic human rights, which ironically had been greatly stimulated by the founding of the United States of America, made it increasingly difficult to imagine how slavery could exist in a modern civilized polity… Christian humanitarianism was trumping biblical traditionalism. (p 35)
The primary reason that the biblical defense of slavery remained so strong was that many biblical attacks on slavery were so weak. To oversimplify a complicated picture, the most direct biblical attacks on slavery were ones that relied on common sense, the broadly accepted moral intuitions of American national ideology, and the weight of “self-evident truth…” More complicated, nuanced, and involved biblical attacks against slavery offered more formidable opposition. But because those arguments did not feature intuition, republican instinct, and common sense readings of individual texts, the wer much less effective in a public arena that had been so strongly shaped by intuitive, republican, and commonsensical intellectual principles. (p 40)
Although this debate is worth studying for many reasons, it is pertinent here for how Blanchard advanced the most popular form of the biblical antislavery argument… Blanchard returned repeatedly to “the broad principle of common equity and common sense” that he found in Scripture, to “the general principles of the Bible” and “the whole scope of the Bible,” where to him it was obvious that “ the principles of the Bible are justice and righteousness.” (p 41).
What!? Double take. You mean the same way I look to the simplicity of the Bible on the issue of homosexuality is the same way many defended slavery? And the way people advocate for acceptance of homosexuality is the same way people advocated for emancipation and human equality?
Obviously, this is an oversimplification of the issue. I encourage people to read Noll’s book not only for the insight in brings on the Civil War, but the intriguing light he shines on American theological development.
I’m not entirely comfortable with the idea of glossing over specific passages on homosexuality to fit some grand understanding of love and mercy and justice. And I’m certainly not comfortable with espousing a view that legitimates slavery in an effort to “plainly read” specific passages from the bible.
And before anyone says it, I know that the two issues are different (one is a sanction and one is a prohibition), and the issues are more thoroughly debatable on both sides. My goal is not to defend slavery or promote acceptance of homosexuality. Since it is not my purpose, I’m not even going to take a side. My motivation in sharing these quotes is to challenge us to realize how we form our beliefs and how we organize our arguments are just as important as what we believe and what we argue. We must be willing to look at not just our individual beliefs, but also our underlying cultural influences (as Noll points out repeatedly regarding the influence of American republican and democratic ideals on theological interpretations) that led us to those beliefs.
I love my family!
Though it seems to many like I am very detached from my family, the truth is I feel really at home and connected to my extended family. I really have a fun family, and nothing lifts my spirits more than family gatherings with game night.
On Labor Day, the whole family celebrated my nephew Brandon’s fourth birthday. The whole family from both sides came over to spoil the only grandchild on my mom’s side, and only the first of two on my dad’s side of the family. And it is great to be adored and imitated by a nephew who wants to be like Uncle Tony, going so far as using birthday money to buy a Doctors Playset, complete with white coat!
Anyway, the whole family came over… all of them. My dad’s two sisters and his mom and step-dad all came over. My mom’s mom and her brother and sister and their spouses came over. We had a young cousin, and another cousin and her boyfriend. And of course, my sister and brother-in-law were there. Add to that three family friends, and we had a house full.
After afternoon gatherings like these, whether it be birthday parties, Thanksgiving, or Christmas, many in the family stay late, grazing on left-over food, and playing games. Some classics that are often played include Outburst, Scategories, and Taboo.
Long after Brandon crashed from his adrenaline high opening presents, half the family stayed and played Scategories. Wow! It was hilarious! We are a fairly generous group in this game, to say the least… where “nuts” and “nuts, beer” –always shared as ‘nuts comma beer’- are both accepted, as well as “loopy” as a “state.” It is rather amusing, with lots of cracking on each other… especially when my cousin’s new boyfriend comes up with “Princess” for the category “Costume beginning with with the letter ‘P’,” my sister comes up with “whip” for the category of weapon, my 60 year old uncle comes up with “New Kids on the Block” for musical group, and I come up with “lusty” as a personality trait beginning with ‘L’! You can imagine the conversation and laughter that is generated from such things.
What makes it so great is the shared experiences through the years, growing up together and spending so much time together. There are no major grudges or strained relationships that would ever require special planning and arranged seating to keep certain people away from each other. Though my dad’s side of the family is VERY different from my mom’s side, they all get along and expect to see each other regularly. And there is a lack of pretentiousness and defensiveness that is wonderful and comforting. Even my sister and I can rag on each other in a playful way during these times.
Although there are lots of deeper reasons why I love my family – from the caring and sharing to the genuine love and support to the generally positive attitudes- I think the times of laughter are the best example, because the laugher is deeper and longer because of the other things. I do have a hard time coming home, because it is hard for me to leave the proximity of the fun. True, these fun gatherings aren’t frequent. But, certainly, they are more frequent than I can attend being out in Ohio. I do miss my family, and savor every opportunity like this night to spend with them in peace, sharing, and most of all, laughter. I hope that if I have children, they will be surrounded by such a set of deeply loving and committed family (biological and spiritual) as I have been blessed with.
On Labor Day, the whole family celebrated my nephew Brandon’s fourth birthday. The whole family from both sides came over to spoil the only grandchild on my mom’s side, and only the first of two on my dad’s side of the family. And it is great to be adored and imitated by a nephew who wants to be like Uncle Tony, going so far as using birthday money to buy a Doctors Playset, complete with white coat!
Anyway, the whole family came over… all of them. My dad’s two sisters and his mom and step-dad all came over. My mom’s mom and her brother and sister and their spouses came over. We had a young cousin, and another cousin and her boyfriend. And of course, my sister and brother-in-law were there. Add to that three family friends, and we had a house full.
After afternoon gatherings like these, whether it be birthday parties, Thanksgiving, or Christmas, many in the family stay late, grazing on left-over food, and playing games. Some classics that are often played include Outburst, Scategories, and Taboo.
Long after Brandon crashed from his adrenaline high opening presents, half the family stayed and played Scategories. Wow! It was hilarious! We are a fairly generous group in this game, to say the least… where “nuts” and “nuts, beer” –always shared as ‘nuts comma beer’- are both accepted, as well as “loopy” as a “state.” It is rather amusing, with lots of cracking on each other… especially when my cousin’s new boyfriend comes up with “Princess” for the category “Costume beginning with with the letter ‘P’,” my sister comes up with “whip” for the category of weapon, my 60 year old uncle comes up with “New Kids on the Block” for musical group, and I come up with “lusty” as a personality trait beginning with ‘L’! You can imagine the conversation and laughter that is generated from such things.
What makes it so great is the shared experiences through the years, growing up together and spending so much time together. There are no major grudges or strained relationships that would ever require special planning and arranged seating to keep certain people away from each other. Though my dad’s side of the family is VERY different from my mom’s side, they all get along and expect to see each other regularly. And there is a lack of pretentiousness and defensiveness that is wonderful and comforting. Even my sister and I can rag on each other in a playful way during these times.
Although there are lots of deeper reasons why I love my family – from the caring and sharing to the genuine love and support to the generally positive attitudes- I think the times of laughter are the best example, because the laugher is deeper and longer because of the other things. I do have a hard time coming home, because it is hard for me to leave the proximity of the fun. True, these fun gatherings aren’t frequent. But, certainly, they are more frequent than I can attend being out in Ohio. I do miss my family, and savor every opportunity like this night to spend with them in peace, sharing, and most of all, laughter. I hope that if I have children, they will be surrounded by such a set of deeply loving and committed family (biological and spiritual) as I have been blessed with.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
What are you against?
What are you against? It is a rather unusual question. The more common query is “What (or who) are you for?” Whether it be a sports team (Go Bucks!), a flavor of Mountain Dew in their Dewmocracy contest, a religion, or a politician, most people ask the question in the positive form.
Yet, I have become more sensitive to the numerous ways in which people express their feelings, and questions, in the negative form. People are less and less ‘for’ something, and more and more ‘against’ something.
In fact, I was at a church service recently, and was thoroughly surprised (as were many) at the blatantly political message from the pulpit.
I should mention at the start, however, that this congregation is unlike many in the broader Christian world. Generally, this congregation, and its fellowship in general, tends to be very Republican and conservative, but is also careful to keep politics and in most cases even patriotism “separate and apart” from the message of the Good News. I have never seen a flag of any kind on the grounds of any of the churches of this fellowship, much less in the building (Praise God!). Also, this congregation attempts to train and involve as many Christian men as are willing. So, at least one time a month, the elders allow and encourage men of the congregation to sign up to give the sermon. On this night, a young man that I respect greatly was giving the lesson.
He started his sermon most excellently about talking about priorities. Whose priorities are we seeking, our priorities or God’s? He gave several good biblical illustrations of people who sought their own priorities, much to their detriment. He then shifted gears a bit to remind us that this process of seeking God’s priorities extends to politics and the election process. He started by stating, “I’m not going to tell you who to vote for. It’s none of my business.” So far, so good. “But as a Christian, I can tell you who you should not vote for… Nobody who calls themselves a Christian can vote for Obama.” What!? His main reason was Obama’s support for abortion rights. While it is terribly predictable that abortion would be the most important issue for him (and the church in general), I was struck at how he was so blatantly against something, and not for something.
I am for life. In fact, I’m so pro-life that I have serious reservations (not blanket prohibitions) about the death penalty and use of violence to accomplish military and nationalistic goals. I am morally sickened at the rampant use of abortion.
But I am for other things too. In fact, my whole life perspective, my whole theology, is succinctly summarized by Micah 6:8 – “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” I am for justice and mercy and walking humbly with God. I am about loving people.
In this election, as it always is now a days, I have to wisely seek God’s priorities, because no one individual appears to be “for” the same things my limited understanding leads me to believe are God’s priorities. If I vote for “X”, he will likely align with my views on this one issue. And if I vote for “Y”, he will likely align with my views on these two issues. How do I value these in the process of deciding to vote?
If churches, and really all faith communities, want to address moral issues in the political realm, they should really be addressing how to be wise in making evaluations about what really matters. Which is a higher priority for God? Stopping abortion, or addressing the economic oppression and moral decay that leads to abortion? How should we view personal responsibility in terms of the Christian perspective? What does it mean to oppress the poor, and how does that happen today? These are the types of questions that I wish faith communities would wrestle with.
I wish people would be more worried about what they are for, than what they are against.
Yet, I have become more sensitive to the numerous ways in which people express their feelings, and questions, in the negative form. People are less and less ‘for’ something, and more and more ‘against’ something.
In fact, I was at a church service recently, and was thoroughly surprised (as were many) at the blatantly political message from the pulpit.
I should mention at the start, however, that this congregation is unlike many in the broader Christian world. Generally, this congregation, and its fellowship in general, tends to be very Republican and conservative, but is also careful to keep politics and in most cases even patriotism “separate and apart” from the message of the Good News. I have never seen a flag of any kind on the grounds of any of the churches of this fellowship, much less in the building (Praise God!). Also, this congregation attempts to train and involve as many Christian men as are willing. So, at least one time a month, the elders allow and encourage men of the congregation to sign up to give the sermon. On this night, a young man that I respect greatly was giving the lesson.
He started his sermon most excellently about talking about priorities. Whose priorities are we seeking, our priorities or God’s? He gave several good biblical illustrations of people who sought their own priorities, much to their detriment. He then shifted gears a bit to remind us that this process of seeking God’s priorities extends to politics and the election process. He started by stating, “I’m not going to tell you who to vote for. It’s none of my business.” So far, so good. “But as a Christian, I can tell you who you should not vote for… Nobody who calls themselves a Christian can vote for Obama.” What!? His main reason was Obama’s support for abortion rights. While it is terribly predictable that abortion would be the most important issue for him (and the church in general), I was struck at how he was so blatantly against something, and not for something.
I am for life. In fact, I’m so pro-life that I have serious reservations (not blanket prohibitions) about the death penalty and use of violence to accomplish military and nationalistic goals. I am morally sickened at the rampant use of abortion.
But I am for other things too. In fact, my whole life perspective, my whole theology, is succinctly summarized by Micah 6:8 – “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” I am for justice and mercy and walking humbly with God. I am about loving people.
In this election, as it always is now a days, I have to wisely seek God’s priorities, because no one individual appears to be “for” the same things my limited understanding leads me to believe are God’s priorities. If I vote for “X”, he will likely align with my views on this one issue. And if I vote for “Y”, he will likely align with my views on these two issues. How do I value these in the process of deciding to vote?
If churches, and really all faith communities, want to address moral issues in the political realm, they should really be addressing how to be wise in making evaluations about what really matters. Which is a higher priority for God? Stopping abortion, or addressing the economic oppression and moral decay that leads to abortion? How should we view personal responsibility in terms of the Christian perspective? What does it mean to oppress the poor, and how does that happen today? These are the types of questions that I wish faith communities would wrestle with.
I wish people would be more worried about what they are for, than what they are against.
Observations from the (Irrational?) Right
I was talking to a family member recently who is a staunch Republican. After some heated discussion about Obama and Palin, and discussion about apparent media bias (he calls ABC the “All Barak Channel,” NBC the “Nearly Barak Channel,” and CBS the “Completely Barak Side”), we had a rather interesting exchange that I think reflects where the American psyche is for many people.
“ ‘Don’t call me Hussein!’ That's what he says. Barak won’t let people call him by his name!”
Antagonistically, and out of frustration, I said, “Because right-wing fear-mongerers use it only to imply that he’s Muslim! And he’s NOT!”
“You don’t know that! How do you know that?”
“Because he’s been going to a Christian church for 20 some odd years! He was married there, baptized there!”
“And it is a hate-mongering anti-American church!”
Another brief exchange: In the course of discussion, I pointed out that he was in Indonesia because his mom worked there. I said, “It is not like at age 8 he was like ‘Oh, I think I’ll go to the Muslim-predominant country of to Indonesia!’”
“Well, there are some questions now… Haven’t you heard? He may not have been born in Hawaii, he may have been born in Indonesia, and may not even be a U.S. citizen!”
I think that such exchanges demonstrate the deep concerns people have… and perhaps it shows how effective media spin (conservative and liberal) is at giving words, concepts, and phrases to deep-seeded, wordless feelings.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t believe for an instant that this family member is racist. Nor is he ignorant. When asked why he just doesn’t watch Fox when he gets angry at the “media bias” on CNN, he stated he likes to hear “the other side.” He may be mistrustful of Muslims, but he is a phenomenally hard working, intelligent man whose work ethic impresses me to this day. Yet, more than anything, I suspect that he simply has a deep mistrust of anything smacking of liberalism, which in his mind is centralization of government, which in turns means taking individual liberty AND individual responsibility away from people.
I can understand that line of argumentation. In fact, I am sympathetic. It frustrates me, however, that he grasps at minor and often outrageous claims to build his case against Obama, instead of building a case for individual liberty and responsibility (with the resultant consequences).
And on that note, of being against something, I will pick up in my next post.
“ ‘Don’t call me Hussein!’ That's what he says. Barak won’t let people call him by his name!”
Antagonistically, and out of frustration, I said, “Because right-wing fear-mongerers use it only to imply that he’s Muslim! And he’s NOT!”
“You don’t know that! How do you know that?”
“Because he’s been going to a Christian church for 20 some odd years! He was married there, baptized there!”
“And it is a hate-mongering anti-American church!”
Another brief exchange: In the course of discussion, I pointed out that he was in Indonesia because his mom worked there. I said, “It is not like at age 8 he was like ‘Oh, I think I’ll go to the Muslim-predominant country of to Indonesia!’”
“Well, there are some questions now… Haven’t you heard? He may not have been born in Hawaii, he may have been born in Indonesia, and may not even be a U.S. citizen!”
I think that such exchanges demonstrate the deep concerns people have… and perhaps it shows how effective media spin (conservative and liberal) is at giving words, concepts, and phrases to deep-seeded, wordless feelings.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t believe for an instant that this family member is racist. Nor is he ignorant. When asked why he just doesn’t watch Fox when he gets angry at the “media bias” on CNN, he stated he likes to hear “the other side.” He may be mistrustful of Muslims, but he is a phenomenally hard working, intelligent man whose work ethic impresses me to this day. Yet, more than anything, I suspect that he simply has a deep mistrust of anything smacking of liberalism, which in his mind is centralization of government, which in turns means taking individual liberty AND individual responsibility away from people.
I can understand that line of argumentation. In fact, I am sympathetic. It frustrates me, however, that he grasps at minor and often outrageous claims to build his case against Obama, instead of building a case for individual liberty and responsibility (with the resultant consequences).
And on that note, of being against something, I will pick up in my next post.
A Forced (but needed) Respite
It has been way too long in writing. I have needed to write, not just to update a little-read blog, or even to update the few friends that read this blog. No, I have needed to write as a process of digestion of what has occurred in the last several months.
As I start writing this, I am in the Atlanta airport, waiting for a connecting flight from Akron to Phoenix. It has been nearly one year since I have been back in Phoenix. That was a relaxing week spent with my family in the White Mountains of Arizona, and I think fondly on that week. Due to a variety of circumstances which I hope to elucidate in the next several posts, I have not had the vacation time nor the money to travel much in the last year, much less get back to Phoenix. I would not be making this trip now to spend over a week in Phoenix if it were not for the fact that my dad is having his hip replaced on Wednesday, September 3, and he paid for me to come out to be with the family during this anticipated rough week.
So, this was an unexpected respite, but one that is greatly needed. There is not a whole lot planned for much of the week, and I hope to spend much of my needed down time blogging about the last year. Topics I hope to touch on, if ever so briefly, include:
1. My best friend’s theo-philosophical journey
2. A huge job change and transition
3. A fun “business” trip to Denver with two great friends
4. My relationship with my wonderful girlfriend, Carey
5. The attempt at selling my house and future plans
6. Provoking thoughts about regarding theology provoked by a history book
7. My philosophical wranglings with atheism
8. The state of my spiritual journey and exciting trajectories
9. Thoughts about Obama and Palin in the current presidential races
This is an ambitious list, and I’m not likely to get to all of these, but by listing them, it provides a goal. Hopefully, this exercise will provide some clarity on some of these issues, for me if not anyone else.
As I start writing this, I am in the Atlanta airport, waiting for a connecting flight from Akron to Phoenix. It has been nearly one year since I have been back in Phoenix. That was a relaxing week spent with my family in the White Mountains of Arizona, and I think fondly on that week. Due to a variety of circumstances which I hope to elucidate in the next several posts, I have not had the vacation time nor the money to travel much in the last year, much less get back to Phoenix. I would not be making this trip now to spend over a week in Phoenix if it were not for the fact that my dad is having his hip replaced on Wednesday, September 3, and he paid for me to come out to be with the family during this anticipated rough week.
So, this was an unexpected respite, but one that is greatly needed. There is not a whole lot planned for much of the week, and I hope to spend much of my needed down time blogging about the last year. Topics I hope to touch on, if ever so briefly, include:
1. My best friend’s theo-philosophical journey
2. A huge job change and transition
3. A fun “business” trip to Denver with two great friends
4. My relationship with my wonderful girlfriend, Carey
5. The attempt at selling my house and future plans
6. Provoking thoughts about regarding theology provoked by a history book
7. My philosophical wranglings with atheism
8. The state of my spiritual journey and exciting trajectories
9. Thoughts about Obama and Palin in the current presidential races
This is an ambitious list, and I’m not likely to get to all of these, but by listing them, it provides a goal. Hopefully, this exercise will provide some clarity on some of these issues, for me if not anyone else.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Requiem for a House Church
Requiem for a Church
August 2002 – July 2008
August 2002 – July 2008
“I feel like we are 10 months pregnant!”
That is how I described the state of the house church at a recent meeting of the core group of the house church. Admittedly, an odd analogy. But just like the parables of Jesus, if you are careful not to over analyze the details, the main point is obvious. Our time has come.
Six years ago, a group of six of us began realizing the spiritual framework we had been brought up with had some inconsistencies. In the spirit of honest inquiry, we realized that we needed a safe place to understand and explore these apparent inconsistencies, while also seeking the simplicity of New Testament Christianity. In the process, we were able to grow in our understanding. We also were blessed with a variety of friendships and relationships along the journey.
But the church that was formed, slowly, at times painfully, was formed with a specific purpose, with a specific background and with unique baggage. It was also formed under the default leadership of Jared and myself.
In the Spring of 2006, we had our first reassessment, of sorts, of our form and function. Some of us felt that the structure and traditions that we had created had prepared us to move into a new direction; others felt that there was still healing to be done. In the process of wrestling with this, we made new friends and our group grew in numbers. Yet, we had never addressed some of the core issues.
Then, at the beginning of 2008, Jared shared his realization that he could no longer share our faith journey. And a pillar of the community that had formed around our shared history and baggage was removed. It caused the group to evaluate, once again, our form and function.
And it become clear, for the first time, that the house church that was formed six years ago had served its purpose. It had provided a safe place to grow and explore our walk with God. It was not designed for perpetual growth and existence; it could not have been designed as such. We realized that it was time to celebrate the house church for having accomplished its purpose. What better measurement of success could there be?
Many will look upon this as a natural result of a flawed enterprise. Of course, I completely disagree. Unlike many churches who feel they must simply exist and survive to be successful, I measure success against the purpose for which this community was built. Others will be hurt, and feel devastated that this is coming to an end. But the apostle Paul realized that faith communities, even whole nations, existed to serve a purpose, and when it was completed, it was time to bring that chapter to a close. In Galatians Chapter 3, Paul reminds us:
23But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, being shut up to the faith which was later to be revealed.
24Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith.
25But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.
The Law of Moses, and ultimately the nation of Israel that were the keepers of the Law, served a vital role of leading people to Christ. When Christ came, and the Law did its job, its role was complete, and therefore it was time for it to be set aside.
And that brings us to my initial comment above. The house church has served its purpose. It provided a safe place to grow and explore. But now, the structure and traditions that had initially provided safety and a nurturing environment, were constricting, and preventing growth, just like being pregnant for ten months would start constricting the growth of the child.
The time of this particular house church, in this particular setting, and with the baggage and traditions of this particular faith community, has come to an end. For that, we celebrate. We celebrate the successes, and the losses, the lessons learned, and the scars earned.
The exciting thing is, while a birth is the end of a pregnancy, it is more importantly the beginning of a brand new adventure, with even more rapid and exciting growth. We praise God for the journey we have had, and the journey yet to come.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Reasons I'm not emergent...
I found this rather funny list of the "Top 50 Possible Reasons I'm Not Emergent." Some hit too close to home... very funny. A few that amused me most:
46. I don’t like Rob Bell’s hair.
36. I heard you had to take yoga.
31. I’m not white.
30. I’m over 40.
29. I don’t have any cool, black eyeglasses.
28. I don’t like coffee or Guinness.
27. It’s immoral to smoke pipes or cigars.
24. I’m allergic to candles.
19. I’m not uber-cool. In fact, I don’t even know what “uber” means.
16. All they want to do is love. Where’s the truth in that?
11. I refuse to switch to Apple
I'm in trouble, especially since I don't like coffee or Guinness... but I have gone Mac and I'll never go back!
46. I don’t like Rob Bell’s hair.
36. I heard you had to take yoga.
31. I’m not white.
30. I’m over 40.
29. I don’t have any cool, black eyeglasses.
28. I don’t like coffee or Guinness.
27. It’s immoral to smoke pipes or cigars.
24. I’m allergic to candles.
19. I’m not uber-cool. In fact, I don’t even know what “uber” means.
16. All they want to do is love. Where’s the truth in that?
11. I refuse to switch to Apple
I'm in trouble, especially since I don't like coffee or Guinness... but I have gone Mac and I'll never go back!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Spring is near...
Spring is throwing hints that it is arriving. Today was relatively warm and was mostly sunny. But more telling, I have noticed the crickets and frogs start their annual symphonic residence in the woods around my house. It brought to mind a poem I wrote years ago where the crickets and fireflys inspired me:
I Walked Among The Stars
The air was cool and damp and calm
The summer sun set to retire
The clouds - a pallet in the sky
The frogs and crickets - nature's choir.
As I meandered through my lawn
And earth did don her dark attire
My wandering gaze in awe did see
Behold, the lights! The lights of fire!
In hues of black and green and blue
My yard transformed before my sight -
A universe of smaller scale
With fireflies the stars of night.
Amazement swelled within my soul
My head and lips were full of praise
Yet silence gripped me, for I knew
No better accolades to raise.
A brighter orb transfixed my sight
And I felt drawn to this bright sun
Only to see two separate stars
So very close, they shone as one.
And in that dusk so suddenly
I thought of you, and longing grew
To hold you in my arms at night
And offer thanks to God for you.
So shall our life together be
Yes me and you, my love, my dear -
Two burning stars shining so bright
And yet so close, as one appear.
And though you may not be right here
And Sol return to bring back sight
These thoughts I'll cherish just because
I walked among the stars that night.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
From the mouth of the great sage... Dolly Parton
I confess. If I remember right, my first record (a 45 at that!) was a Dolly Parton-Kenny Rogers single. I know that is wrong on so many levels (what are records? I'm only 32!... Dolly and Kenny? Really?) But, I have had a strange, mostly repressed affinity for them ever since.
I continue my confession. I have been watching American Idol. Thanks to a DVR at my friend's house and some group pressure, I have been joining several from our midweek devotional time in watching American Idol after the study.
There, I've said it. I feel a little better already. At least that lays the ground work for what follows. Last night, American Idol did a "Dolly Parton" theme, where all the song selections had to be one of her 3,000+ compositions. One guy (thankfully, I don't know most of their names yet!) who I really don't like sang a song that really struck me. It was just an authentic confession of persistence. And when I had a meeting and got a "bad prognistication" vibe about my current situation at work, I thought more about that song, as a sort of anthem in my head... I just got to keep "travelin' thru."
I continue my confession. I have been watching American Idol. Thanks to a DVR at my friend's house and some group pressure, I have been joining several from our midweek devotional time in watching American Idol after the study.
There, I've said it. I feel a little better already. At least that lays the ground work for what follows. Last night, American Idol did a "Dolly Parton" theme, where all the song selections had to be one of her 3,000+ compositions. One guy (thankfully, I don't know most of their names yet!) who I really don't like sang a song that really struck me. It was just an authentic confession of persistence. And when I had a meeting and got a "bad prognistication" vibe about my current situation at work, I thought more about that song, as a sort of anthem in my head... I just got to keep "travelin' thru."
"Travelin' Thru" by Dolly Parton
Well I can't tell you where I'm going, I'm not sure of where I've been
But I know I must keep travelin' till my road comes to an end
I'm out here on my journey, trying to make the most of it
I'm a puzzle, I must figure out where all my pieces fit
Like a poor wayfaring stranger that they speak about in song
I'm just a weary pilgrim trying to find what feels like home
Where that is no one can tell me, am I doomed to ever roam
I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin' on
Questions I have many, answers but a few
But we're here to learn, the spirit burns, to know the greater truth
We've all been crucified and they nailed Jesus to the tree
And when I'm born again, you're gonna see a change in me
God made me for a reason and nothing is in vain
Redemption comes in many shapes with many kinds of pain
Oh sweet Jesus if you're listening, keep me ever close to you
As I'm stumblin', tumblin', wonderin', as I'm travelin' thru
I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin' thru
I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin' thru
Oh sometimes the road is rugged, and it's hard to travel on
But holdin' to each other, we don't have to walk alone
When everything is broken, we can mend it if we try
We can make a world of difference, if we want to we can fly
I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'
Drifting like a floating boat and roaming like the wind
Oh give me some direction lord, let me lean on you
As I'm travelin', travelin', travelin', thru
Like the poor wayfaring stranger that they speak about in song
I'm just a weary pilgrim trying to find my own way home
Oh sweet Jesus if you're out there, keep me ever close to you
As I'm travelin', travelin', travelin', as I'm travelin' thru
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The Path of Peace: Following the Dalai Lama, who follows... Jesus?
The March 31, 2008 issue of Time Magazine has as its lead story, “The Dalai Lama’s Journey.” As I read it, I could not help but be impressed with his vision of what is, and what could be. Also heard echoes of things Jesus said 2,000 years ago.
Pico Iyer, the author, reports, “But having spent time watching wars and revolutions everywhere from Sri Lanka to Beirut, I’ve grown intrigued by the quietly revolutionary ideas that the Dalai Lama has put into play. China and Tibet will long be geographic neighbors, he implies, so for Tibetans to think of the Chinese as their enemies – or vice versa – is to say they will long be surrounded by enemies. Better by far to expunge the notion of “enmities” that the mind has created.” Later, he says, “Thus, calling Chinese individuals your enemy and Tibetans your friend, the Dalai Lama might suggest, is as crazy as calling your right eye your ally and your left your adversary; you usually need both to function well, and all parts of the world body depend on all other parts.”
Sound familiar? “You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” –Matt. 5:43-48 (NLT)
But that is not what really struck me. A link on Canon Fodder led me to this article on how Jesus conceptualized the future. I encourage you to read the article to understand the connection I’m making better. Basically, Jay Gary, the author, describes three different ways of viewing the future: Conventional View, the Counter View, and the Creative View. The Conventional View, at the time of Jesus, was basically one of the status quo; the Romans would be the rulers, and the Jews would be subjects to the brutality of the Pax Romana. The Counter View, held by the Zealots and Pharisees, was, of course, the opposite view. They held that the future would bring tremendous change, where the Jews, with God’s help, were able to throw off the shackles of Roman imperialism and initiate the true Messianic Kingdom of Peace in Judea. Gary argues that Jesus saw these two views of the future ultimately colliding and bringing utter destruction to the Jews, of both views. There, Jesus proposes and develops a third way, a Creative View. This Creative View envisioned a “New Israel” that would not be tied down to a geographic location or nationalistic; it would be a cultural expression of the Kingdom of God, diffused throughout the world, seasoning the world around it like salt. It was neither militaristic, as the Counter View was, nor assimilationist, like the Conventional View. It was a view where the distinct culture of the New Israel would survive and transform those around it. It embraced the enemies as neighbors, yet had a strong sense of community; it was inclusive and influential precisely because of that approach.
Fast forward 2,000 years to Central Asia. Much of the Time article seems to be describing a “revolutionary” third way of viewing Tibetan future. It is this Creative View presented by the Dalai Lama that the author finds so intriguing.
Essentially, there is a Conventional View, held officially by the Chinese government, that Tibet is a part of China and will be integrated and “liberated” with the rest of the country. Iyer describes it this way: “For Chinese pledged to material development, freedom simply means liberation from the past, from religion and from backwardness.” The Counter View is held by some in Tibet and more by Tibetans in exile. This view is expressed thusly: “But more and more Tibetans in exile ask how they can sit by and practice nonviolence while their homes and families are being wiped out by the Chinese occupation. ‘Why is he thinking of the future and not the present, the past?’ asks an outspoken Tibetan in Dharamsala [India]… ‘I want freedom in this world, not from this world.’”
Since the Conventional View is essentially one of assimilation, like the Roman Conventional View, it envisions an end to the unique Tibetan culture that weaves Buddhism, politics, and economics into one social fabric. The Counter View, similar to the one held by the Zealots and Pharisees of long ago, envisions a mass rising, where Tibet throws off the shackles of Chinese assimilation and is free to be a light to the world. And, like Jesus, the Dalai Lama seems to be proposing a Creative View. He does not call for Tibetan independence, just autonomy to protect their culture, language, and religion; essentially, to protect their way of life. He does not get angry about the “demographic aggression” of the Chinese in building a high-speed train from Beijing to Lhasa; he simply accepts it as “a form of progress, of material development.” He understands that to save the Tibetan culture, it must invariably change (similar to the changes Israel had to go through to be the New Israel). The Dalai Lama said in 1996, “At a certain stage, the Dalai Lama institution will disappear. But that does not mean that Tibetan Buddhist culture will cease. No!” Iyer describes the Dalai Lama’s Creative View this way: “The deeper issue, as the Dalai Lama always stresses, is that names and forms are unimportant so long as something more fundamental is sustained. The Buddha’s job – and therefore that of his most prominent contemporary student – was not just to be clear-sighted and compassionate but also to show how compassionate and clear-sighted any one of us can be. In that regard, It hardly matters whether the terms Dalai Lama or Buddhism or even Tibet continue to exist. As it is, thanks to the exodus of Tibetans in the past half-century, Tibetan culture and Buddhism have become part of the global neighborhood.”
The parallels between the Tibetan and Judean crises are intriguing. More over, I find the Creative Views of the Dalai Lama and Jesus strikingly similar. They both propose a vision of peace created by a culture of love and accomplished through release of nationalistic and militaristic goals.
For me, this parallel is a call for the church to renew her vision of the future. We need to collectively lift our eyes to the prophetic horizon that Jesus envisioned, and embrace the path of peace in the power of the Spirit. Though I think Buddhism misses something (God), I wonder if the Dalai Lama understands the future that Jesus envisioned better than the church does.
Pico Iyer, the author, reports, “But having spent time watching wars and revolutions everywhere from Sri Lanka to Beirut, I’ve grown intrigued by the quietly revolutionary ideas that the Dalai Lama has put into play. China and Tibet will long be geographic neighbors, he implies, so for Tibetans to think of the Chinese as their enemies – or vice versa – is to say they will long be surrounded by enemies. Better by far to expunge the notion of “enmities” that the mind has created.” Later, he says, “Thus, calling Chinese individuals your enemy and Tibetans your friend, the Dalai Lama might suggest, is as crazy as calling your right eye your ally and your left your adversary; you usually need both to function well, and all parts of the world body depend on all other parts.”
Sound familiar? “You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” –Matt. 5:43-48 (NLT)
But that is not what really struck me. A link on Canon Fodder led me to this article on how Jesus conceptualized the future. I encourage you to read the article to understand the connection I’m making better. Basically, Jay Gary, the author, describes three different ways of viewing the future: Conventional View, the Counter View, and the Creative View. The Conventional View, at the time of Jesus, was basically one of the status quo; the Romans would be the rulers, and the Jews would be subjects to the brutality of the Pax Romana. The Counter View, held by the Zealots and Pharisees, was, of course, the opposite view. They held that the future would bring tremendous change, where the Jews, with God’s help, were able to throw off the shackles of Roman imperialism and initiate the true Messianic Kingdom of Peace in Judea. Gary argues that Jesus saw these two views of the future ultimately colliding and bringing utter destruction to the Jews, of both views. There, Jesus proposes and develops a third way, a Creative View. This Creative View envisioned a “New Israel” that would not be tied down to a geographic location or nationalistic; it would be a cultural expression of the Kingdom of God, diffused throughout the world, seasoning the world around it like salt. It was neither militaristic, as the Counter View was, nor assimilationist, like the Conventional View. It was a view where the distinct culture of the New Israel would survive and transform those around it. It embraced the enemies as neighbors, yet had a strong sense of community; it was inclusive and influential precisely because of that approach.
Fast forward 2,000 years to Central Asia. Much of the Time article seems to be describing a “revolutionary” third way of viewing Tibetan future. It is this Creative View presented by the Dalai Lama that the author finds so intriguing.
Essentially, there is a Conventional View, held officially by the Chinese government, that Tibet is a part of China and will be integrated and “liberated” with the rest of the country. Iyer describes it this way: “For Chinese pledged to material development, freedom simply means liberation from the past, from religion and from backwardness.” The Counter View is held by some in Tibet and more by Tibetans in exile. This view is expressed thusly: “But more and more Tibetans in exile ask how they can sit by and practice nonviolence while their homes and families are being wiped out by the Chinese occupation. ‘Why is he thinking of the future and not the present, the past?’ asks an outspoken Tibetan in Dharamsala [India]… ‘I want freedom in this world, not from this world.’”
Since the Conventional View is essentially one of assimilation, like the Roman Conventional View, it envisions an end to the unique Tibetan culture that weaves Buddhism, politics, and economics into one social fabric. The Counter View, similar to the one held by the Zealots and Pharisees of long ago, envisions a mass rising, where Tibet throws off the shackles of Chinese assimilation and is free to be a light to the world. And, like Jesus, the Dalai Lama seems to be proposing a Creative View. He does not call for Tibetan independence, just autonomy to protect their culture, language, and religion; essentially, to protect their way of life. He does not get angry about the “demographic aggression” of the Chinese in building a high-speed train from Beijing to Lhasa; he simply accepts it as “a form of progress, of material development.” He understands that to save the Tibetan culture, it must invariably change (similar to the changes Israel had to go through to be the New Israel). The Dalai Lama said in 1996, “At a certain stage, the Dalai Lama institution will disappear. But that does not mean that Tibetan Buddhist culture will cease. No!” Iyer describes the Dalai Lama’s Creative View this way: “The deeper issue, as the Dalai Lama always stresses, is that names and forms are unimportant so long as something more fundamental is sustained. The Buddha’s job – and therefore that of his most prominent contemporary student – was not just to be clear-sighted and compassionate but also to show how compassionate and clear-sighted any one of us can be. In that regard, It hardly matters whether the terms Dalai Lama or Buddhism or even Tibet continue to exist. As it is, thanks to the exodus of Tibetans in the past half-century, Tibetan culture and Buddhism have become part of the global neighborhood.”
The parallels between the Tibetan and Judean crises are intriguing. More over, I find the Creative Views of the Dalai Lama and Jesus strikingly similar. They both propose a vision of peace created by a culture of love and accomplished through release of nationalistic and militaristic goals.
For me, this parallel is a call for the church to renew her vision of the future. We need to collectively lift our eyes to the prophetic horizon that Jesus envisioned, and embrace the path of peace in the power of the Spirit. Though I think Buddhism misses something (God), I wonder if the Dalai Lama understands the future that Jesus envisioned better than the church does.
Friday, March 21, 2008
A little guy humor...
So, I'm watching Comedy Central. This guy is flippin' hilarious. He mentions that he was confirmed a Lutheran, and that at his confirmation, he had to pick out a verse in the Bible that reflected his faith, and read it to the congregation. His verse?
Genesis 43:23
And he said, Peace be to you, fear not: your God, and the God of your father, hath given you treasure in your sacks.
Amen, right guys? :-)
Genesis 43:23
And he said, Peace be to you, fear not: your God, and the God of your father, hath given you treasure in your sacks.
Amen, right guys? :-)
Saturday, February 16, 2008
A well verbalized explanation of my view on abortion
Frequently, I come across something that makes me say, "Ah ha, that's it!" It is either a picture or verbalization of the complex and elusive thoughts I'm having. I came across one such explantion from psychology professor Richard Beck from Abilene Christian University discussing abortion. I could definitely add something to it, regarding the need for positive and meaningful reasons for abstinence, but for the most part, he verbalizes my unease very well.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Thoughts on Immigration
This is one of those issues where there is no good answer. I haven't heard a single plan that is not either entirely unrealistic (Republicans) or rewards illegal behavior with citizenship (Democrats + McCain). So what would I do, you ask?
Well, I agree that it is unrealistic to just "ship everyone home." But, I don't think that people who come here illegally should ever be granted citizenship. So, I propose the following:
1. Increased Mexican Border security (it is not economical to work on the Canadian border; besides, Canada has got to be the tiniest fraction of the sources of illegal immigration)
2. Offer all illegals that can prove that they have been here in the states for 1 year (bank statements, rent checks, etc), have no criminal record, and are older than 19, permanent legalized status (green card) WITHOUT the ability to ever become a citizen.
3. All childen who have been enrolled in a US school for one year or more that are 18 or younger would be granted regular green cards with the ability to apply for citizenship.
4. All illegals who do not meet the above criteria would be deported. Repeat offenders would be barred from future citizenship applications.
5. Expand work visas.
6. Issue true IDs, that verify status.
It is a perfect solution? No. But, unlike my friend Jared, it would not reward illegals with citizenship, nor does it legitimate illegals (issuing ID cards); but it does provide for a legal status, which is similar.
Thoughts, anyone?
Well, I agree that it is unrealistic to just "ship everyone home." But, I don't think that people who come here illegally should ever be granted citizenship. So, I propose the following:
1. Increased Mexican Border security (it is not economical to work on the Canadian border; besides, Canada has got to be the tiniest fraction of the sources of illegal immigration)
2. Offer all illegals that can prove that they have been here in the states for 1 year (bank statements, rent checks, etc), have no criminal record, and are older than 19, permanent legalized status (green card) WITHOUT the ability to ever become a citizen.
3. All childen who have been enrolled in a US school for one year or more that are 18 or younger would be granted regular green cards with the ability to apply for citizenship.
4. All illegals who do not meet the above criteria would be deported. Repeat offenders would be barred from future citizenship applications.
5. Expand work visas.
6. Issue true IDs, that verify status.
It is a perfect solution? No. But, unlike my friend Jared, it would not reward illegals with citizenship, nor does it legitimate illegals (issuing ID cards); but it does provide for a legal status, which is similar.
Thoughts, anyone?
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Reluctant Hillary supporter?
Much to my surprise, I found that I should reconsider my voting intentions. I had been struggling between Obama and McCain... and just didn't like Hillary. But, on this survey at Minnesota Public Radio, I got the following results (stupid survey has me all goofed up!):
Hillary Clinton 21.0 | |
Barack Obama 16.0 | |
Mike Gravel 12.0 | |
Mike Huckabee 10.0 | |
Mitt Romney 10.0 | |
John McCain 7.0 | |
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