Friday, December 21, 2007

Time of Reflection: Part 3

Cacophony Number Two: Event Horizon Fugue
(written December 2007 by Tony H.)


He looks into the pleading eyes
Of a man. But barely.
The North Star is only a faint
Flicker - among many.
Though, without a ship, it matters
Little. Did it ever?
What do you plead for? Answer me!
Faith? Hope? Love? A forever?
His anxious silence - maddening.
His cause - captivating.

His voiceless mouth and screaming eyes
Peer back from the mirror.


Silent tears fall, the world he knows-
Explicitly therapeutic?
Emotion, manifest sorrows?
Excretions, the eye's sole tonic?
Expected, a behavior learned?
Expression of a soul just turned?


The sands of Time could not erase
the clawing hands, much less the face.

A monument to guard the Nile,
a figure of hubristic wile.

Though sand did hide, the past - forgot;
it waited there to be resought.

In holy zeal for the Great Disc -
or shrewd scheming in politics -

A city birthed upon the Nile,
soon razed to earth with jealous bile.

Amarna's fate for years unknown -
now naught but dust where once it shone.

A mountain tomb for all to see,
a monument of vanity -

Though once the home to king, and gold,
expected peace as they grew old,

The great facade is empty now;
a hope destroyed, a pointless vow.

Though young compared to all the rest,
it may have been the nation's best.

Its hallowed walls upon the sea
encompassed all Humanity.

But all it took was one small flame,
and Man's grand trove was gone in shame.

My query should apparent be,
of all of these, which one are we?


a trust a knowing deep inside
a faith somewhere within me hides

a future landscape far and wide
a hope somewhere within me hides

a warm embrace where peace resides
a love somewhere within me hides

experience the flow of blood

an unseen force to walk beside
somewhere spirit within me hides

two friends by choice pneumas entwined
somewhere friendship within me hides

one soul by choice bodies entwined
somewhere marriage within me hides

experience the flow of blood


Dana H. said...

You never cease to amaze me....
I wish I could hear it.

Tony H. said...

Hey Dana,

Don't be too amazed. There is no music for these poems. I simply used the format that I am most familiar with (musical arrangements) to arrnage my poetic thoughts. As you know (though I'll explain for others) each of the four parts has a differnt role. Usually, sopranos have the melody, the main theme of the song. The altos often have a rhythmic supporting role to the main melody. The tenors often have a melodic counter melody, and the bass typically have a sturdy foundational role. I used that format to structure this poem.

But, having said all that... thanks a lot!