Solomon's Porch currently meets in a rented out old United Methodist Church building. Of course, this is me.

And this is my best friend and co-traveler to the Summer Institute, Jared Coleman (with his ever-present iBook).

One of the things that I became aware of was the concept of implicit theology. Explicit theology is usually pretty easy to determine... it is the stated, obvious beliefs about God and our relationship to him. The implicit theology, however, is subtle, and most people overlook it, while absorbing it subconsciously. For example, as you can see, Solomon's Porch has a bunch of couches, arm chairs, bistro sets, coffee tables, sofa tables, etc in their main "auditorium"... or, the Great Room, as they call it. It was amazing to realize what this arrangement says implicitly about how "church" should be. Church, for this group, is not about some holy, sacred, formal, "special" place where we come to worship; worship should be a part of our everyday lives. The living room atmosphere conveys that when they are together, it is just an extension of their everyday lives. It also stresses the idea of community, particular of family. How different from traditional church arrangements, eh?

In the area that was once the front area, they left the cross, but used some artistic photography by one of the community members to visually display the transformation at the cross. Controversial... yes. Powerful... absolutely. (I highly recommend going to the community's website and going to the gallery section; there you can see more examples of the art there as well as learn more about the artists). Such prominent display of artistic expressions conveys that this is a place were creativity and multiple voices are appreciated.

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