Thursday, January 31, 2008

The (Spiritual) State of the Union

So, I'm watching the series premiere of the TV show, Eli Stone. It was a pretty good show. But, wow, I think it is quite the commentary on the state of the nation's spirituality.

I strongly suggest watching this show... at least the first episode. In any case, there is a fascinating exchange between the main character and his "holistic healer." Only slightly paraphrased, the healer suggests:

"Maybe you're a prophet."

"Just one problem... I don't believe in God."

"Sure you do. You believe in right and wrong. You believe in justice. And you believe in love. That's God."

I have heard a lot about the increasing spirituality of the nation (with the concomitant decreasing religiosity). It seems like shows like Eli Stone are helping the nation explore, wrestle, and give shape to their increasingly questioned sense of spirituality.

The show's message seems best summarized in its theme song from George Michael: "You gotta have faith, faith, faith."


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